Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh it's all gone quiet over there...

Well, strictly speaking, it's all gone quiet over here, as, over there (in Austria), I was rather chatty!

This was quite unintentional as just before we left Vienna at the end of July I had intended to post my own travel guide, complete with links, to some of our favourite places there and about. Unfortunately for me, the landlady decided to kill the internet connection a day early, so I couldn't, and now, I can't find my file to make up for my lackadaisical attitude. I will try to find it later. Since I got back, although lots has happened, I have found it quite difficult to get back into the swing of blogging.

I have also toyed with what to call the blog, since now I am now longer in Vienna, and any greeting will be more likely to come from the UK than not, but I think I will live with Gruss aus Wien for a little while longer, out of badness as much as anything else!