Thursday, December 11, 2008

Going downhill #2

Forty bloody one!

how did that happen?

I did have a very nice birthday though :)

Going downhill #1

On the bus on the way to work the other day, I was sat in front of a couple of young professionals (yp).

Not that I was ear-wigging or anything... but, they were graduates recently moved here who were musing about acceptable areas to live in.

YP #1 was saying: "Apparently, Jesmond used to be really quite a smart area. You can understand why the people who have bought houses here are irritated by the increase in student accommodation"

YP #2 agreed "Yes, I think if I was looking to buy somewhere I certainly wouldn't want to live in Jesmond".

Monday, December 1, 2008

In the bleak mid-winter

We have had gloriously cold winter weather here for the last few days. Air frost has descended on air frost until frozen surfaces look like they've been hidden in the back set of the lion the witch and the wardrobe.

This kind of cold weather, for me, is almost as satisfying as a hot summer day (it's winter, it's cold and frosty).

Yesterday we ventured down the frosty, wintery hill to the allotment with the bags of vegetable matter that have accumulated in the yard over the past couple of weeks, and guess what? our new tools are still there!

Oh how my faith in humankind is restored.