Sunday, March 2, 2008

It is big, and it certainly is Clever!

Normally I would steer clear of food products with novelty names as, in my humble opinion, anything that's had excessive time spent thinking up a catchy, with it, fun, humorous, trendy name is probably going to be, well, erm, rubbish.

Clever food may have just made me reconsider my jaded food perspective.

Clever tomatoes ended up in my shopping basket as something of a fait accompli. The only other tomato option on offer at the time in the local Billa, was a peeled and primped and preened and chopped and be-herbed deluxe "Gourmet" version of tinned tomatoes somewhere in the region of £1.50, which I just wasn't prepared to pay.

I'm glad I didn't! My newly purchased Clever tomatoes were big and sweet and helped me make an almost perfect bolognese sauce.

Whether eating said sauce has made me any more intelligent is questionable, but I certainly feel cleverer (groan) for trying the brand out.

1 comment:

Marja said...

Yum we are big fans of tomatos. I was just browsing through blogs about wien. Yours is interesting