Friday, February 8, 2008

He's missed Control again

Or hopefully not!

After missing it both times it was on at the Tyneside Cinema back home, we are planning to (finally) go to see Control, the film by Anton Corbijn about the Manchester lords of miserablism, Joy Division tonight. I hope it's not dubbed.

We're going to the Schikaneder cinema in town and I am quite excited about it!

I think I'll wear black.


Anonymous said...

Did you get to see it? I kept missing it to and finally saw it in Soho when I was down in London.

I thought it was excellent, although I felt depressed for several days afterwards. What a waste.

Ian in Yorkshire

rogern said...

I did get to see it in the end, there's a later post about it here:

While watching the film I noticed my sister used to have the same bread bin as shown Ian and Debbie's kitchen. I saw that detail in colour, very odd in a black and white film!