Monday, February 11, 2008

***kin' dogs!

There are dogs everywhere! Big dogs, small dogs, friendly dogs, snappy dogs, rat-sized dogs, donkey-sized dogs, yappy dogs, howling dogs, nervous dogs and stupid dogs.

They are on buses, on trains, on the underground, on the street, in restaurants, in cafes, in smart suits, in handbags, in trolleys, on laps, on seats, but mostly, on my nerves!

There are those of you who may know that I have asthma, and that my biggest allergy is, and always has been, dog. I don't make this up, as some people believe, I am allergic to dog!

I don't hold it against "them" (dogs per se (and apologies in advance to Tosca, Basil, Molly and Brin for any offense I may have already caused)) I hasten to add, and in social gatherings I often find it quite endearing (while simultaneously immensely irritating) to be singled out by the dog as the only person present who doesn't love them, but generally I do try to avoid them.

At home this allergy is fairly manageable. With judicious use of anti-histamines I can quite happily go to friends houses where there are dogs present and enjoy a fairly "normal" time, ensuring my inhaler is close to hand, that i don't come into contact with soft furnishings or upholstery, or of course, dog.

Here though, any surface I might come into contact with may be/is more than likely to be contaminated with purest essence of dog.

Thank goodness for ever present fast working pills!


Anonymous said...

Have you thought about desensitisation therapy.....only a few small pricks required?!

rogern said...

No, I haven't to be honest.

Perhaps if I moved in more "doggy" circles I might consider it.

rachel said...

Small dog is not offended. She LURVES you anyway. As do we all, despite your foibles. Now, do those owners pick up after their dogs (stoop and scoop, as they say in Toronto), unlike Parisians?

rogern said...

There will be a post about that at some point, but the short answer is "no"!