Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We need to contain this mess...

With a little judicious recycling we are now alost fully equipped with storage containers for, well, things that need containing!

We actually bought the can for the coffee when we first arrived, it was something of a priority.

Plastic pots we bought olives and humous in from the Naschmarkt are enjoying a dual existence as herb pots. The dried herbs, we bought at the same time in crammed plastic bags, were crammed so full that once they were opened they proved more less impossible to reseal or stand up, so that their contents didn't spill across the *shelves/work surfaces/cupboards (*delete as appropirate). The placcy pots aren't fantastically serviceable, but until we have emptied more pesto jars (one so far), they'll have to do, and at least we're not having to wipe everything down every time a cupboard is opened too quickly!

My favourite re-purposing so far has been the little wooden crate that the (rather delicious, Hungarian) mushrooms arrived in from the local Inter Spar that now houses our eggs on the work surface for all to see.

I wonder sometimes whether I oughtn't to credit Biddy Baxter for our resourcefulness. Although I haven't solved the "spewing muesli bag" problem yet so perhaps I'm not worthy of a Blue Peter badge anyway.

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